Monday 26 September 2011

Its like stepping into paradise!

I haven't written a new blog in a very long time but i have a very good reason. At least, i convinced myself it was a good reason this morning. This week will conclude my second month in Mumbai and whereas August was kind of like my baptism into the country, i moved from a stage of "OMG, im in INDIA!" to "Your in India, so you better start acting like an Indian!" Life became sort of, business as usual. Even though people continued to stare at me everywhere i went, i started to get used to it. At this point, i have mastered walking while looking down at the ground. If i do not look at people, they will not look at me. Its that simple. So, every morning, instead of looking out the window in awe with how other people have assimilated into their morning routines, my head is now glued to the "Economic Times" or the "Hindustan Times" both popular newspapers that i simply cannot start my day without reading.  With only 6 months to make a big impact in my current job and only six months to spend is such a vibrant, developing nation, there's just so much to learn and too much to learn without reading the newspaper and watching the news. And since i would rather spend my t.v. time watching bollywood music videos, i figured i could spend my morning time reading the newspaper. So far, the routine has been working out well for me.  :)

So, everyday or at least every other day, i'll try to share some of the newspaper headlines that i find interesting and maybe you will too. Maybe it will help you and the rest of the work realize that India truly is the place to be right now. Well, i think most of the world has already recognized that as every time i read the newspaper or turn on the news, i hear about the growth in India and China.  India is truly up and coming with so much growth opportunity and so much potential, it is truly amazing. A great environment to be part of.  India's idiosyncrasies make it a culturally and economically unique country that appreciates traditional lifestyles and values but completely embraces modern intricacies and systems.  Someone who can strategically create an interface between the two has already "made it" in India, regardless of what platform they are working in.

Take for example, even Paris Hilton who clearly has a great business adviser. This weekend, she arrived in India to launch her new collection of handbags in India. If the message can get all the way toParis's ears, then they should at least-at bare minimum be in our ears too!

Speaking of the weekend. I spent mine in Goa...probably one of the most beautiful destinations in India. A few weeks ago i read a newspaper article that listed the "Top Ten Cities to Wake Up In".  I immediately went though the list and was shocked to see Mumbai listed as number 7 or 8.  As much as i love living here, i couldn't imagine it being the top TEN cities in the entire world to wake up in.  I immediately looked out my window, watched the rain pour with a group of cows huddled under a small tent and said "hmm"...i should be very grateful then.  I will say however that GOA should have been at the top of that list!! I never thought i would go to a place like Goa until my honeymoon. It was one of those places that you see in a magazine with a man and woman laying on a poolside chair with their backs turned to the beach. The woman in a tan beach hat and yellow one piece swim suit....the couple gazing onto a pure blue colored ocean with two bottles of Corona positioned on a low stoop.  That is what being in Goa felt like.  See for yourself!!


I'll definitely be going back!! .....Soon!

Friday 2 September 2011

Ganapati Bappa Moraya!!!

This past week, millions of Indians celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi. The festivals are the most elaborate in Maharashtra and parts of Western India where families create these large idols of the elephant god, Lord Ganesha. People celebrated on the streets, in the alleys, in public venues, housing complexes, home, just about everywhere. And although i got two days off form work this week in honor of the holiday, i really couldn't actually go anywhere. The streets were filled with bright, bright lights. It was almost like Christmas in New York, times 50. On the way home from work yesterday, i just starred in owe out the window as we drove by all of the mini celebrations taking place on the streets. I watched my driver smile at all of the different celebrations going on as he too celebrated the holiday.  In some instances, he looked like a young boy with his eyes wide open like a child that go everything they wished for on their birthday.  I watched him drive, and as we passed the idols on the streets, he would bring his hands together in the position of a prayer and quietly spoke a few words in honor and obedience to Lord Ganesh. 

Earlier in the week, many Indians celebrated Ramzan Id/Eid-ul-Fitar, an Islamic holiday to celebrate the end of the fast. Many people just call it Eid. Several of my friends and co-workers celebrated the holiday in full blast.  They had organized communal meals, bought fresh new clothes and invited family members to their homes to exchanges gifts and cards.  I was very fortunate to be invited to many celebrations and gathering to enjoy the festivities but i previously made plans to attend a wedding. Although i was a bit sad that it was not a traditional Indian wedding with traditional Indian attire and dancing, i was thrilled to be a guest at this Christian Indian wedding.  The groom also worked at Nielsen so i didn't feel too bad crashing the wedding. It turned out to be a beautiful event and i had the opportunity of meeting several new people. I will however be in a traditional Indian wedding this coming December so i absolutely cannot wait until then!

I also spent some of my time off roaming the city of course......

and my favorite videos of the week--->