Tuesday 2 August 2011

"I Can't believe I'm In India....I Can't believe im in India"

I arrived in Mumbai, India on the evening of Monday, August 1st....around 10pm.  When i got off the plane and walked into the airport, the smell slapped me across the face and almost knocked me over.  I thought to myself...aah this must be the smell of India. Every country has its "smell" and alas, i had smelled India's...Mumbai's smell. Much like the "smell" of Ghana, its was dense, musty and thick.  Those words do not sound very enticing at first but the smell for me was somewhat refreshing...especially coming from New York!As i walked through the airport to immigration, i kept thinking to myself..."I can't believe im in India....I can't believe i'm in India...I can't believe i'm in India". I kept thinking that until well....now...at 11pm Tuesday evening. It look 24 hours for me to actually fully realize that i was in India.

The journey to the hotel was interesting....fortunately, i was picked up by my driver, Namdeo who may just be the nicest man in India. Although he doesn't speak that much English, he does understand the basics which is helpful.  When i got to the hotel, i was amazed....it was fascinating!!!!!! People were standing there...waiting for me to arrive. I felt like a queen....for about 3 minutes. Although the queen feeling lasted a few minutes, the hotel staff was and is amazing. All the stories of how wonderful the people in India are are true!!!! The people are almost too nice....always wanting to accommodate you.

So, i couldnt sleep that night because i still kept thinking to myself...."I can't believe im in India...I can't believe i'm in India...." so, i turned on the t.v. and watched...and danced to Bollywood movies...all night until i finally fell asleep to 5am.

So my driver came to pick me up at 12pm sharp for a mini tour of the city and all i can say is wow! We drove down Marine Drive also knows as the "Queen's Necklace because if viewed at night from an elevated point anywhere along the drive, the street lights resemble a string of pearls,forming a necklace"- Wikipedia :)  India is just one of those countries that so many people want to visit but only a few get to actually come.  How lucky am I. 

While sitting in traffic, a small boy came tapping on my left window...begging for food. On my right was a woman holding her baby, also begging for food, money or anything that i was willing to give to her.  I knew if i rolled my window down just one inch, that i would be sending an invitation out to every person in the area looking for money or food so i just looked down and tried to avoid eye contact.  I felt powerless but deep down, i knew that this was the reality of Mumbai and much of India as it is the reality of many developing countries.  If you had one dollar in your hand......a 4 year old malnutritioned boy to your left and a woman carrying her small child in her arms to your right, who would you give your dollar to?

Just something to think about.....

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